The console window provides the fundamental operators for accessing HDF5, composing the H5s windows on the desktop, application record keeping, e.g. user preferences, versioning, and updates. It does not contain HDF5 graph display operators or controls.
Most of the usual suspects (e.g. FILE, EDIT, VIEW) from an application menubar, delivered in a short-throw set of pulldowns.
Pulldown with the stack of open datastore filesystem paths, augmented with close and hide/show operators.
A pulldown to presets, properties, and metrics of the active datastore.
A set of time-release buttons for native filesystem open/save dialogs.
A set of time-release buttons for operations on datastore contour windows: hide, show, new, and close operators.
Sequence forward or backward through the visible datastore contour windows.
Customary exit and minimize operators, plus some ones specific to H5s for specific modifications to contour window geometry.
Pulldown with the stack of selected data object paths in each of the open datastores, augmented with close and hide/show operators. Using the path stacks, a contour can either be activated by a filesystem path3 or by data object path.
Size of the data object measured in the number of elements of its specified datatype.
The dataspace descriptor, showing rank and dimension, for the selected data object.
Rank, type, and dimensionality of the datatype of the selected data object.
Storage layout of the selected data object. When using chunked storage, the layout will have non-zero rank.